Research Data Management

What is RDM?

Research data is generated in all disciplines in different formats and volumes. Research Data Management (RDM) encompasses the processes of transformation, selection and storage of research data and is not only a means to an end for a successful funding application, but also serves the common goal of keeping research data accessible, reusable and verifiable in the long term and independent of individuals. To ensure this, RUB has adopted guidelines that define how research data should be processed at RUB during its data life cycle.

If you have any questions about handling research data, want to know more about the services we offer or need help with the requirements set by funding organizations for handling research data, please contact us directly at

Our RDM services

Research Data Services (RDS, previously: AG FDM) is a team of employees from the University Library and IT.Services. We offer researchers at all professional and career stages and at every stage of their research projects support in research data management and in handling their research data. To this end, we provide services and tools such as RDM infrastructures and are constantly developing them further.


Since every research community and every research project is individual and has its own specific needs, it is hardly possible to offer a standard solution, a standard application text or data management plan for everyone without the necessary categorization. Funding institutions also have individual requirements and sometimes demand information on the handling of research data at the application stage. Personalised advice in the field of RDM is therefore particularly important. We can provide you with consulting on the following topics:

  • Data management plans
  • Grant applications
  • Use of tools and methods
  • Data documentation/metadata
  • Publication and archiving (also in non-RUB infrastructures)
  • RDM policies and responsibilities
  • Orientation in legal questions (no legal advice!)

Please feel free to contact us.

Completion Guide

The DFG’s Guidelines for Proposal Submission prescribes mandatory information on data management. The DFG has compiled a list of questions in a checklist, in which essential information on the handling of research data for the application is requested. The checklist is intended to support researchers in describing their research data management in a structured way in the application.

In the instructions we have provided, you will find more detailed explanations and notes on the checklist to help you with your application.

Training and workshops

In addition to consultations, we offer training courses and workshops on research data management. To get you started, our Moodle course gives you an insight into the basics of RDM in both German and English. If, for example, you would like your own training course on one or more RDM topics for your research project, please contact us.

Research Data Management Organizer

Der Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO) is a web tool for documenting and planning your data management. RUB operates its own instance within the UA-Ruhr association which enables you to create data management plans interactively using questionnaires and checklists. Click here for the RDMO.

Infrastructure and tools

We also offer you various other software and infrastructure for data management, such as a Backup Service, Server Hosting, GitLab and data repository ReSeeD.

Open Science

What is Open Science? How is RUB supporting Open Science? The RUB's Open Science Working Group, of which Research Data Services is an active member

Further information

Further information on research data management can be found on the RDS website.