Our Team

Working in an interdisciplinary team of humanities scholars and computer scientists, the DHC Team provides support for the implementation of computer-aided methods and the digital modelling of humanities research. On the technical side, the DHC is supported by the Digital Library at UB Bochum. Learn more about our services here!


Sonja Rosenberger, M.A., M.A. LIS
Sonja Rosenberger coordinates the DHC.
As coordinator, she helps to determine the needs and demands for DH on campus, organizes events and promotes the networking of RUB’s digital humanists.
dh-center@rub.de I Tel.: 0234 32 22791

Diego Siqueira, MSc Ing.-Inf., M.A. LIS
Diego Siqueira works as DH Development Coordinator for the DHC. In close proximity to Research Software Engineering, he provides advice on DH methods and tools, coordinates and monitors DH projects, and supports the DH community on campus.
dh-center@rub.de I Tel.: 0234 32 22383

Olaf Berg, M.A.
Olaf Berg studied History, Computer Science, Media Culture and Latin American Studies in Hamburg and México. His interests are XML based publishing, datamodelling and audiovisuals in history research. Since 01.10.2022 he supports the DHC as a member of the project “Late Ottoman Palestinians: Social and Cultural Dynamics in an Eastern Mediterranean Society during the Age of Empire” (LOOP) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Johann Büssow at the Seminar for Oriental and Islamic Studies.


Johanna Wrede, B.A.
Johanna Wrede supports the DHC as a student research assistant. After a bachelor’s degree in English Studies and Computational Linguistics, she aims to combine the fields of both computational linguistics and sociolinguistics in her master’s. Studying VAMoS/Computational Linguistics (Ruhr-University Bochum) and English Linguistics (University of Duisburg-Essen) for a master’s degree, she is particularly interested in language attitudes, ideologies, and norms.

Vera Hochmann, B.A.
Vera Hochmann is a research assistant at the DHC. After her bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), she is focusing on transgender and masculinity research during her master’s degree in International Gender Studies (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). She is particularly interested in the application of digital methods.

Eva-Maria Wenger, B.A.
Eva-Maria Wenger works as a student research assistant at the DHC. She completed her bachelor’s degree in German Studies and Applied Philosophy at Universität Duisburg-Essen. Now she’s studying the master Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, whereby she prefers to conduct interdisciplinary research between German medieval studies, history and art history.


Karol Przybilla, B.A.

Julia Jennifer Beine, M.A.