Neuerwerbungen - 2019

Brumberg, Victor A.:
Essential relativistic celestial mechanics
Signatur: 6.1 BRU

Zagrebaev, Valery:
Heavy ion reactions at low energies
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Zinn-Justin, Jean:
From random walks to random matrices : selected topics in modern theoretical physics
Signatur: 4.5 ZIN

Chrisitanson, Gale E.:
Edwin Hubble : mariner of the nebulae
Signatur: S CHR

Forgan, Duncan H.:
Solving Fermi's paradox
Signatur: 6.1 FOR

Kragh, Helge [Herausgeber]:
The Oxford handbook of the history of modern cosmology
Signatur: 6.1 OXF

Atkins, Peter W.:
Conjuring the universe : the origins of the laws of nature
Signatur: S ATK

Davidson, P. A.:
An introduction to electrodynamics
Signatur: L DAV

Thorne, Kip S.:
Black holes and time warps : Einstein's outrageous legacy
Signatur: S THO

Freire Junior, Olival:
David Bohm : a life dedicated to understanding the quantum world
Signatur: S FRE

Petrascheck, Dietmar:
Signatur: L PET

Feuerbacher, Björn:
Tutorium Mathematische Methoden der Elektrodynamik : ausführlich erklärt für Studierende der Physik im Haupt- und Nebenfach
Signatur: L FEU

Duchardt, Deborah [Hrsg.]:
Vielfältige Physik : Wissenschaftlerinnen schrei-ben über ihre Forschung
Signatur: S VIE

Pohl, Jonas:
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und Gravitationswellen : eine Einführung für Lehramtsstudierende
Signatur: L POH

Gaisser, Thomas K. [Herausgeber]:
Neutrino astronomy : current status, future prospects
Signatur: 6.1 NEU

Melzer, André:
Physics of dusty plasmas : an introduction
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Bauer, Martin W.:
Yet another introduction to dark matter : the particle physics approach
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Marzani, Simone:
Looking inside jets : an introduction to jet sub-structure and boosted-object phenomenology
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Lähde, Timo A.:
Nuclear lattice effective field theory : an introduction
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Linsky, Jeffrey:
Host stars and their effects on exoplanet atmo-spheres : an introductory overview
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Ebeling, Werner:
Lectures on quantum statistics : with applications to dilute gases and plasmas
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Compère, Geoffrey:
Advanced lectures on general relativity
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Melnikov, Ilarion V.:
An introduction to two-dimensional quantum field theory with (0,2) supersymmetry
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Younes, Walid:
A microscopic theory of fission dynamics based on the generator coordinate method
Signatur: 2.3 LEC

Zhang, Bing:
The physics of gamma-ray bursts
Signatur: L ZHA

Beresnyak, Andrey:
Turbulence in Magnetohydrodynamics
Signatur: 5.11 BER

Davidson, P. A. [Hrsg.]:
A voyage through turbulence
Signatur: S VOY

Goedbloed, Hans:
Magnetohydrodynamics : of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas
Signatur: 5.11 GOE

Larkoski, Andrew J.:
Elementary particle physics : an intuitive introduction
Signatur: LL LAR

Vălean, Cornel Ioan:
(Almost) impossible integrals, sums, and series
Signatur: 4.1 VAL

Feynman, Richard P.:
Statistical mechanics : a set of lectures
Signatur: L FEY

Demirel, Yaşar:
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics : transport and rate processes in physical, chemical and biological systems
Signatur: 5.2 DEM

Gray, Norman:
A student's guide to general relativity
Signatur: L GRA

Swanson, Mark S.:
A concise introduction to quantum mechanics
Signatur: L SWA

Ralston, John P.:
How to understand quantum mechanics
Signatur: S RAL

Lang, Kenneth R.:
A brief history of astronomy and astrophysics
Signatur: S LAN

Griffiths, David J.:
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Signatur: L GRI

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